The mid-career retrospective on the multi-disciplinary creative director reveals the portrait of a new type of designer

The surprising empathy of My Next Guest Needs No Introduction
Thinking about the evolution of David Letterman.

On Podcasts
Thinking about the evolution of my listening habits and interests.
Human Archipelago
Teju Cole and Fazal Sheik's new collaboration is an examination of human migration and an example of art for troubled times.

Scratching the Surface featured in Eye Magazine
I'm honored to be included in a recent essay in Eye Magazine!

Johnson and Trump, Power and Celebrity
Reading Robert Caro in the age of Trump.
A Design Writing Reading List
A selection of readings from the design writing class I recently taught at Pratt.
2019 Reading Habits
On what I've read this year and changes in my reading habits

Re-examining the Bauhaus
The famous German school's centennial lets us re-examine the history we thought we knew.

AppleTV+ and HBO vs. Netflix
I don't want Apple to be more like Netflix, I want them to be more like HBO.