Looking back at 2024 and ahead to a new year.
Maggie Smith’s poem for the moment.
Voting, elections, blue skies and the work still to do.
A few episodes that I can't seem to stop thinking about.
A few photographs from this year’s garden.
A designer visits Disney for the first time.
An origin story of sorts.
Favorite readings, tabs, and research from March
Photographs from our first year in Raleigh, NC.
The team behind the new miniseries exposes the power of stories, on the screen and in the courtroom.
For a good day, I need to protect the mornings.
Another world might be possible, not promised, not guaranteed.
Thinking about Tarkovsky, Teju Cole, and art in the time of quarantine
Did you know I have a monthly-ish newsletter? Here's the recent issue.
Thinking about this poem from Wendell Berry during self-isolation.
Thinking about the evolution of my listening habits and interests.
A playlist for the transition from Winter to Spring.