Jarrett Fuller

Dill, © July 2024 Jarrett Fuller.

In the Garden

I’ve been gardening seriously for three years now and while I’ve been posting updates over on my Instagram, I’ve never properly documented my work here on the blog. When I first started teaching, an older professor told me they thought it took teaching a class three times to really understand how to do it and what it’s about. He was right about teaching and I feel like it applies to my gardening too1. I seemed to find my rhythm this time around with an overwhelming bounty this summer of peppers, tomatos, eggplant, cucumbers, beans, strawberries, and various herbs2.

Each year, I’ve expanded the garden a bit, adding new vegetables to try, and revising and editing placements and technique. I already have ideas for things I want to try next year3. If you told me, even just a few years ago, that gardening would become central to my life, I’d have laughed in your face. But it’s truly an all-consuming hobby for these summer months.

Over the weekend, during a brief reprieve from the heat, I spent some time photographing the progress at the mid-summer mark.

  1. Although maybe I should revisit this next year. My first year’s garden was at our previous house and I’m only two years into my current set up? 

  2. The peppers alone have led to various salads, a few jars of pickled peppers, and the start of a fermented hot sauce! 

  3. I spent a lot of time this year working on flowers after animals destroyed all mine last summer. So far, so good. Flowers is where I really want to focus on building out the flower beds next year.