Jarrett Fuller


New Playlist: Settling

There was a time in my life — pre-kids, pre-full-time teaching, pre-homeowner, etc. — when I’d spend an unusual amount of time making playlist on Spotify (and before that Rdio and before that iTunes). They were usually seasonal but also could revolve around moods, feelings, genres. They were made to share but they were also made for me: as my music libraries grew it was harder to return to things, to find commonalities and themes. I can’t help it, I’m a natural organizer.

That’s a longwinded way of saying that I made a new playlist that I’ve been playing on repeat for the last few weeks. It’s called Settling and features a mix of drone music and ambient guitar plucking. It’s a collection of songs for a late summer morning on the front porch or an early Fall evening around the fire.

You can listen to it on Spotify here.

Here’s the tracklisting:

  1. An Old Peasant Like Me - Explosions in the Sky and David Wingo
  2. Del Mar - Alejandro Cohen
  3. Paprastasis Amalas - Raphael Roginski
  4. Evenin’ Out - M. Sage
  5. Box Spring - Double Celled Organism
  6. Height of The Reeds in the Wetlands - Arve Henriksen
  7. The Olive Rolls Away From the Tree - Norman Westberg
  8. Settling - North Americans
  9. When Summer Turns to Fall - Planning For Burial
  10. Wasuremizu - Rhucle
  11. Remote Memory Palace - Thme
  12. When We Finally Fall Asleep, pt. 3 - We All Inherit the Moon
  13. A Squared - Alex Sommers
  14. Reborn - Colin Stetson

It’s the first playlist I’ve made in a while and I’m proud of how it turned out. You can find all my other playlists on Spotify or collected here on my site. Hopefully I can get back to this habit again. Enjoy!