Favorite Albums of 2021 (So Far)
Some favorite albums from the first half of the year
New Essay: Dot Dot Dot Is The Most Influential Design Magazine You’ve Never Heard Of
My latest story for Eye on Design is about the influence of one of my favorite design publications.

A proposal for a new type of design education
A few thoughts on rethinking the relationship between design education and industry.
Breeders subversively mines the paradoxes of parenting
How the FX comedy turned a traditional sitcom into a profound meditation on raising children.

The Mandalorian and the Pitfalls of Star Wars Fan Service
I was tricked into liking the new Disney+ Star Wars show. Until the finale.

Winter 2021 Playlist: Another Kind of Life
The third addition to my annual winter playlist series mixes ambient, folk, and post-punk songs.

An American Tragedy
Considering the parallels between Barack Obama's memoir and Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton.
Movies Watched, 2020
A list of every movied I watched in 2020.
Books Read, 2020
A list of every book I read in 2020.
Favorite Albums of 2020
Thinking about the music, both new and old, that made up my soundtrack for this strange year